Photo by I. Murphy Lewis

Photo by Herbert Brauer

Select Projects Completed

  • GVF funded the reparation of a corn thresher for the Maasai Warriors (2000).

  • Donated water pumps for the Maasai Warriors of Kenya (2002).

  • Began donating money to Louis Sarno’s work with the BaAka Pygmies in Bayanga Central African Republic. (2002-2017)

  • Donated books and sponsored the building of library, and classroom for the Maasai Warriors of Kenya (2004).

  • GVF helped fund the printing as well as the "vegetables" eaten on the sands of the Kalahari Desert as Vetkat drew and Belinda Kruiper wrote and organized the book Mooi Loop: The Sacred Art of Vetkat Regopstaan Kruiper by Vetkat and Belinda Kruiper. Available on Amazon

  • See Belinda Kruiper’s book Kalahari Rainsong, about the complex reality of the Khomani Bushman community that Belinda is a part of. Available on Amazon

  • GVF assisted in the funding of the publication of Nanju and Auju for the Achuar People of Ecuador. Limited availability on Amazon

  • Speaking engagements by I. Murphy Lewis at over 40 elementary, junior high and high schools throughout the United States (1997 to 2011).

  • "Who's the Greatest of Them All" (one chapter in Windows to the World: Themes for Teaching Cross Cultural Understanding, Good Year Books, 1996, Brooke Sarno, John and Phyllis Kepler) instilling values. Available on Amazon

  • Why Ostriches Don’t Fly (Libraries Unlimited 1997) by I. Murphy Lewis: Young adults’ book chronicling the history, stories and myths of the Kalahari San Bushmen. Takes two weeks delivery due to Print On Demand on Amazon

  • Why Ostriches Don't Fly (1998): short documentary by I. Murphy Lewis, edited by Lisa Robinson and creative editing by Gail Segal about the Bushmen's belief of how Ostrich lost her fire, never lifting her wings again. (Shown only during educational programs).

  • Music that Floats From Afar (2002): Short film by I. Murphy Lewis, comprised of images and music of the Kalahari San Bushmen. Sponsored by GVF

  • How Do You Name a Song? (2003): Short documentary by I. Murphy Lewis an exploration of the Bushmen’s relationship to myth and music in the Kalahari Desert. (Sponsored by GVF) (Vimeo to come)

  • Return to the Kalahari: A Healing Journey (2007) by Nicola Graydon and Michael Lechuga. Filmed at !Xaus Lodge in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park for a "Journey to the Heart" gathering of healers, artist and friends to commemorate the late Vetkat Regopstaan Longlife Kruiper's life and art, and to initiate a healing between the indigenous and the Western World. Sponsored by GVF and the !Ara Foundation. Watch on YouTube

  • Sacred Forest of the Lost Children (2007): Short documentary highlighting Dr. Lewis’s healing experiences with the Maasai Warriors. (Shown only during educational programs.)

  • Special Guest Storyteller at Rippowam Cisqua Lower School, Westchester, New York (May 2009)

  • Dr. I. Murphy Lewis was among the internationally acclaimed story artists who took part in the three-day Sunflower Story Arts Festival in Mount Kisco, New York (May 2009).

  • GVF donated a vehicle to Belinda Kruiper Org (2012) for the Kalahari San Bushmen, to transport them from village to village throughout South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana for cultural exchange stories, music, dance.

  • GVF began funding the salaries of two BaAka pygmies for Radio France’s Radio Ndjoku, Bayanga, Central African Republic. (2018-2023)

  • GVF re-digitized the BaAka music of Louis Sarno’s recordings. (2021)

Photo by I. Murphy Lewis

Photo by I. Murphy Lewis

Hosted Lectures And Meetings

  • Rupert Isaacson, author of The Healing Land, lectured about his visit to the Kalahari San Bushmen with featured guest, Gloria Steinem, NYC, 2002. Global Voice also hosted Isaacson in Santa Barbara at the home of Rebecca and Tony Allina, 2003.

  • A poetry reading (2007) for David Krieger, founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and author of Today is Not a Good Day for War and Dr. Barry Spacks, Santa Barbara Poet Laureate and author of The Hope of the Air.

  • Lecture in Santa Barbara by Lmakiya “Tom” Lesarge, author of The Samburu: A Brief Cultural Guide, (2004) to discuss the issues facing the Maasai and the Samburu in Kenya.

  • GVF sponsored Lmakiya Lesarge’s attendance to a Pacifica Graduate Institute seminar (2005) and a new computer.

  • GVf sponsored cross-cultural exchange meetings between the Zulu and San Bushmen in South Africa, 2005, 2006, 2007.

  • GVF sponsored cross-cultural exchange between the Shona and the Ndebele of Zimbabwe and the Kikuyu and the Maasai Warriors of Kenya, 2004.

  • GVF sponsored the cross cultural exchange between the healers Credo and Virginia Mutwa and Belinda and Vetkat Kruiper. (2005, 2007)

  • GVF participated in the exchange of healers with the Kalahari San Bushmen in 2007.

Photo by I. Murphy Lewis

Photo by I. Murphy Lewis

Projects In Development

  • Across the Divide to the Divine: An African Initiation (April 2023): I. Murphy Lewis, Ph.D. (IML Publications) 10% donation to the Maasai and the Bushmen featuring Vetkat Kruipers drawings.

  • Notes from Afar (2024): Kalahari San Bushmen photographs by Herbert Brauer, music recordings published by Willem Barnard and the memoir of Dr. Lewis.

  • Save “Mine” Future: Poetic Reverberations Before, After and During the Liberian War (October 2023): A book by James Makor, a Liberian Peacemaker, about the underlying mythological conflict resulting in the Liberian Civil War. (GVF publications in conjunction with IML Publications About Author )

  • Mantis @ Play in the Sands of the Kalahari:The Bushmen’s Trickster God (2024): A book about the San Bushmen's trickster god, by I. Murphy Lewis.

  • A Symbiotic Partnership: Exhibition for Louis Sarno and Andrea Turkalo (2025): About Sarno and Turkalo thirty-five year friendship living in Central African Republic, while he recorded the BaAka music and she studied the forest elephants in conjunction with Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford England.

  • Khaak by Mahdi (Spring 2024) inspired by the heinous attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan that devoured the lives of more than 155 children and teachers by the Terrorist organization called TTP(Tehrik-i-Taliban) on December 16,2014. Winner of the IML Publications Fiction awards (GVF publications in conjunction with IML Publications About Author)