Greetings Everyone!
Hope this finds you and yours in excellent health!

We wanted to give you the latest UPDATES on Global Voice Foundation's new relationship with Legacy Global Foundation and the BaAka, Louis Sarno’s friends and family in Central African Republic:

Since 2018, due to your support, we have been supporting Radio France's Radio Ndjoku in the Central African Republic on behalf of Louis Sarno. Presently, through our funding, Louis’ son Samedi is employed as a technician, as well, a young BaAka woman, who tells traditional stories and teaches listeners about medicinal herbs.

As you are all aware, for over 30 years, Louis recorded and preserved the BaAka music. While Louis was alive the station only possessed seven songs. One of Louis’ dreams was to return their music to them and to have it broadcasted throughout the Central African Republic. Because of your generosity, we have finally succeeded in this mission, as we have been able to deliver to Radio Ndjoku over 1,000 hours of BaAka music through Pitts River Museum in Oxford, England as well as through Epop and Radio France's Max Bale Epop info . For future sales to benefit the BaAka, Max is presently working on a CD of some of the BaAka music Louis recorded in the early days of his adventure in the CAR. We recently came upon these recordings, which are of their Forest ceremonies, through an old roommate of Louis' in Amsterdam, who discovered a box amongst her treasures. Max will be returning these recordings to the BaAka for broadcast on Radio Ndjoku!

Pitts River Museum Louis Sarno's recordings

On GVF website: listen to Louis' recording of the BaAka
In March 2020 Global Voice was informed of a terrible storm which destroyed Radio Ndjoku's antenna. Thomas Martensson, Louis’ missionary friend, was in the area and became very concerned that the radio was not functioning. Besides the sharing of their culture and their music, one of the most important functions of the station is to spread news of dire situations. Without Radio Ndjoku, there was no way to warn the BaAka about the Covid19 virus. Thomas had sadly written to us. “No one cares about the BaAka anymore.”

Oh, but GVF does and thankfully, so do you!

In a short amount of time, we were able to raise enough money to send two men into the BaAka village to warn them of the virus, giving them the correct information to protect themselves. (pictured below with a handheld megaphone) After this warning, many of them returned deep into the forest.

In the meantime, Thomas (a remarkable engineer) offered to do a band-aid repair on the antenna to get it functioning again (pictured below). Global Voice was again able to help, sending money in order for the repairs to be completed. The station is now working and the BaAka are in the range of Radio Ndjoku's transmissions. It will be some time till the antennae can be fully repaired, with a new pylon, which is quite costly. Though we understand this is a difficult time for so many, we will continue to support the station. Anything you can give will help. Please note, our new: Donation page

In December of 2021, we became a part of Legacy Global Foundation's 501c3, in a fiscal sponsorship. We are thrilled to be working with Legacy Global's Michael Glover and Melodie Gatz, who now serves as the Treasurer of our board. PLease note an update of our website with pictures of Louis with our board members Alexis, Sara and Murphy, as well as an individual picture of Melodie. Global Voice Foundation Board

Good news! On the 4th of March, Max Bale will be returning to the Central African Republic to encourage and support everyone at Radio Ndjoku and the BaAka, bringing an abundance of gifts provided by Global Voice: a new GPS system, tents, zoom and recording equipment, tripod, etc (see list below). We're quite thrilled as these gifts will enable the staff to keep in better touch with the villages.

Also, please note we are still supporting the Kalahari Bushmen. Here are some images of the artist Vetkat Kruiper for sale:

Everyone be safe. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Warmest of regards,

Alexis Adler, VP

Sara Driver, Secretary

Murphy Lewis, Founder