Global Voice Foundation is proud to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Radio Ndjoku, this wonderful community station in Bayaka in Central African Republic!!!


Radio Ndjoku’s goal is to promote their local culture and their music. Besides that, one of the most important functions of the station is to spread news of dire situations, like they did during COVID 19’s pandemic.

If you want to help us and Radio Ndjoku, you can donate following this link, in the donation form you can precise Designate to “BaAka/Radio Ndjoku”.


As you are all aware, for over 30 years, Louis Sarno recorded and preserved the BaAka music. Global Voice has been supporting his work since 2002. Since his death, Global Voice joined forces with Radio France and Radio Ndjoku to broadcast the BaAka’s music, which was recorded by Sarno. Thanks to your generosity, we have finally succeeded in this mission, as we have been able to deliver to Radio Ndjoku over 1,000 hours of BaAka music through Pitts River Museum in Oxford, England as well as through Epop and Radio France's Max Bale Epop info.

Since then, we are still committed with Radio Ndjoku to employing two persons, a young BaAka woman, who tells traditional stories and teaches listeners about medicinal herbs. The second person was Louis’ son Samedi, who recently retired to raise his family in the jungle. Therefore, Radio Ndjoku is now looking for a BaAka to replace him!

Listen to BaAka music:

BaAka Radio Ndjoku Stories Medicinal Herbs Central African Republic Bayaka I Murphy Lewis GV Global Voice Foundation Music Louis Sarno
BaAka Radio Ndjoku Stories Medicinal Herbs Central African Republic Bayaka I Murphy Lewis GV Global Voice Foundation Music Louis Sarno